The key activities of ODD FOUNDATION are categorized under the following heads:
Today, there is no part of the world that is free from the curse of drug trafficking and drug addiction. Millions of drug addicts, all over the world, are leading miserable lives, between life and death. India too is caught in this vicious circle of drug abuse, and the numbers of drug addicts are increasing day by day.
The epidemic of substance abuse in young generation has assumed alarming dimensions in India. With most drug users being in the productive age group of 18-35 years, the loss in terms of human potential is incalculable. The damage to the physical, psychological, moral and intellectual growth of the youth is very high. Changing cultural values, increasing economic stress and dwindling supportive bonds are leading to initiation into substance use.
Cannabis, heroin, and Indian-produced pharmaceutical drugs are the most frequently abused drugs in India. Since drug and substance abuse is a serious problem adversely affecting the social fabric of the country it has become more pertinent to look into the matter with utmost sincerity.
Therefore a comprehensive strategy involving specific programs to bring about an overall reduction in use of drugs has to be followed which needs to be further supplemented by measures like education, counselling, treatment and rehabilitation programs.
Odd Foundation started its combat against drug addiction with the establishment of NISTHA – the Drug De addiction-Cum-Research Wing, on 4th December 1997. The primary objective of NISTHA is to develop therapeutic methodology for the treatment and rehabilitation of Drug Abusers. For this, well experienced professionals take into account factors like various forms and patterns of drug use, factors influencing initiation/ continuation of drug use, development of preventive strategies for the vulnerable groups and development of suitable procedures for harm reduction, whole person recovery, aftercare, follow – up etc.
The Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA) of ODD FOUNDATION was established in the year 2007-08 with support from Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. It is a 15 bedded Drug De-addiction facility functioning at M.I.G.-82, Housing Board Colony, Lane-9, Phase-1, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar, in Khordha district of Odisha. The centre provides a whole range of integrated services for Drug De-addiction and aims at achieving Whole Person Recovery (WPR) by helping the person to become drug free, crime free and gainfully employed. It also aims at improving the quality of their life by identifying and dealing with personality defects, strengthening inter-personal relationship, developing healthy work ethics, improvising financial management and taking responsibility as a substantial family member.
The Main Activities of IRCA involve Preventive Education and Awareness Generation, Identification & Motivation, Indoor Treatment including detoxification, Individual, Group & Family Therapy sessions catering to the need of the client, Yoga and Meditation with spiritual discourse, Care and Support to families through Counselling, Referral Services whenever required, Aftercare & Follow–up services and Rehabilitation through appropriate vocational training and networking.
The Daily Activity at IRCA
The everyday activity of IRCA is summarized below:
6.30 AM is the time for wake up call which is taken care of by the peer educator. Those who have problems regarding withdrawal are left out and others are guided towards the morning session. The ward boy assists the peer educator in monitoring the morning session. After everyone get their teeth brushed morning tea is served followed by the bowel movement. Then all the patients are gathered in the Hall for the Yoga session. Guided by the Yoga Therapist the group performs yoga, meditation and physical exercise for forty five minutes which comes to an end at 8.45 AM.
After that they relax and finish their bathroom chores .Then breakfast and tea is served and medicine is distributed within 10 AM. BP, Pulse, Temperature and Weight are recorded by the nurse during this period.
Individual counselling Sessions are taken between 10 to 11 AM. Patients share their feelings and progress in recovery with their respective counsellors who guide them at each step of the program so that they can lead a quality life ahead.
From 11 AM to 12 Noon is the time for Re-educative sessions as per the schedule. Various topics like Addiction as a disease, Initial abstinence phase, Relapse and Recovery, Self Help/Support Group Principles, Whole Person Recovery etc. are discussed in detail while encouraging the patients to participate actively. Sometimes re-educative sessions for the family members are also taken, the timing for which is fixed earlier and they are informed well in advance.
12 Noon to 1.00 PM is again the period for Individual Counseling. Sessions are taken for those who left out and if the counselor feels so. Others either relax or play some indoor games or go to sleep if they feel like.
Lunch is served between 1.00 to 2.30 PM .After lunch patients take rest from 2.30 to 4.30 PM. 4.30 to 5.30 PM is the period for recreation. During this time inmates are engaged in recreational activities such as playing
During this time inmates are engaged in recreational activities such as playing Chess, Ludo, Carom, Cards etc., watching T.V. or Listening Music. Afternoon tea is served during this period with L.P. reading on fixed dates. On 4th Sunday of every month during this period NA Information Session is taken.
5.30 PM to 6.30 PM is the time for Agnihotra followed by Spiritual Discourse. Patients get refreshed, wash their hands and legs and participate in the Agnihotra (a small Yagyan). During this period the entire group chant the Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mtrityunjaya Mantra in corus. After that a small session involving spiritual topics is taken to improve the moral standards of the inmates.
Evening tea and Tiffin is served between 6.30 PM to 7.30 PM. After that the Group Therapy Session starts which is controlled by the facilitator and the observer. It extends up to 8.30 PM. The facilitator initiates the Group Therapy Session and facilitates the proceedings while the observer helps him by keeping a close watch on individual members. He takes quick and strong action if he feels that the discussion is going wrong way and brings them back to the right track again.
After the Group Therapy Session is over patients move leisurely, watch T.V or discuss on any topic they want. Dinner is served between 9.30 to 10.15 PM. And then medicine is distributed by the resident nurse.
Finally everyone go to bed by10.45 PM. But before that they perform the prayer and meditation which is monitored by the Peer Educator. By 11 PM. light is switched off and all go to sleep.
As per Registration and performance:
During the period 2019-20 a total number of 246 patients were registered in the center. Out of these 168 are first time registered in indoor and 78 are revisited cases. 221 cases completed treatment and 25 dropped out during the treatment period. Out of those who completed treatment during the report period, 144 are sober, 72 relapsed, and 5 patients have no news. The age group of the indoor patients ranged from 16 – 70 years. The number of cases registered in the OPD is 348.
As per Choice of Drug:
Among the 246 patients who were registered in indoor during the period April 2019 to March 2020,111 were Alcoholics, 34 Brown Sugar addicts,18 Cannabis addicts, 2 abused Inhalants, 2 abused Cough Syrup and 1 abused Sedatives. As many as 63 were abusing Two Drugs while 15 were Multiple Drug Abusers.
AS per Marital Status:
Among the 246 patients who were registered in indoor during the period April 2019 to March 2020,111 were Alcoholics, 34 Brown Sugar addicts,18 Cannabis addicts, 2 abused Inhalants, 2 abused Cough Syrup and 1 abused Sedatives. As many as 63 were abusing Two Drugs while 15 were Multiple Drug Abusers.
As per Educational Status:
Out of 246 patients who received treatment in indoor, 2 were illiterate, 15 completed Primary Education, 69 were up to Middle, 81 completed Higher Secondary,29 were Graduate, 1 Post Graduate and 49 were Professionally Trained.
As per Employment Status:
Regarding employment status, 87 were currently unemployed, 19 never employed, 20 part-time employed, 36 full time employed, 59 self employed, 19 students and 6 pensioners.
Rehabilitation Programs Given:
Rehabilitation of recovering addicts is done through appropriate vocational training and networking. This year we provided 11 addicts with appropriate vocational training and they were rehabilitated accordingly as cook, data entry operator, etc.
As many as 15 were rehabilitated at educational settings , 15 rehabilitated with workplace,14 received family assistance program and 15 were linked with Self Help Groups. During the report period 8 recovering persons received Day Care service, 162 availed aftercare service and 10 were either offered private jobs through networking services or helped to settle with self-employment.
Referral Services:
After successful completion of treatment from IRCA, clients are referred to NA (Currently 6 Groups are active in Bhubaneswar) and AA for their maintenance of recovery. Some clients are also referred to certain networking agencies from time to time for consultation and guidance regarding their specific problems.
Networking with Concerned Agencies:
The IRCA, ODD FOUNDATION has a networking with the following agencies which provide a variety of services for the patients.
Training Programs Attended by Staff Members:
During the period April 2019 to March 2020 two Staff Members attended the Training Programs of National Institute of Social Defense (NISD), New Delhi, conducted by Regional Resource & Training Centre (RRTC), East Zone-III, Odisha Region and RRTC, East Zone – II , Kolkata Samaritans. The duration of the Training Programs ranged from 2 Days to 3 Days.
The details of the Training Programs attended by the personnel of IRCA during the period April 2019 to March 2020 is given in the following table —-
Although substance abuse is a concern for every age group and demographic, it is especially concerning for college-aged individuals. This population experiences some of the highest levels of substance abuse, which can derail the college experience and result in addiction. A student will undergo incredible changes as they leave the safety and security of their family home and arrive at college. When they arrive on campus, they can expect to gain independence, expand their knowledge, and transition into adulthood. Alongside these opportunities, though, college students face many challenges including increased responsibilities, a new environment, and, at least at the beginning, a smaller support network. Also, they are challenged to complete their education while alcohol and other drugs are readily available.
Young adults or teenagers may feel that alcohol and/or drugs may help them fit in socially. Substance abuse can reduce inhibitions, and raise self-confidence levels temporarily. Drugs and alcohol can potentially numb or minimize difficult emotions for a short time and may provide a desired escape from reality. A problem which is a major deterrent to humanity and a poison to the well-being of the youth in particular poses greater problems to the socio-economic and political stability of a nation as also disturbing the sustainable development of a nation.
Taking this into consideration ODD FOUNDATION took up the task of sensitizing the college youth on Ill Effects of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism. Two colleges in Bhubaneswar were covered under the program during this year.
Bharat ITI College, Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar:
A sensitization program was conducted at the Bharat ITI College, Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar on 29th February 2020 with a total number of 89 participants .From among the participants as many as 65 were students, 20 staffs and 4 were guardians of students. The CEO of the Institute Mr. Satrujit Mohanty, the Principal Mr. Jadunath Baliarsingh and the Training Officer Mr. Dillip Kumar Satpathy were also present.
From Odd Foundation Mr. Kumar Debasish, the Counsellor of IRCA, Mr. Sarbeswar Pradhan, the Social Worker and Mr. Manoj Kumar Das , a retired aeronautics engineer and an ex-addict of our centre with three years clean period were the spokesperson.
Other four recovering addicts of Odd Foundation also accompanied them and shared their experiences.
The entire program was divided into three different sessions with each session having a duration of forty five minutes to one hour. The first session started with the welcome address by the Counselor of IRCA, Mr. Kumar Debasish. The team of resource persons were introduced to the faculty members and students. The session continued systematically with topics like what is addiction, what is drug addiction, addiction vs. abuse, how drug affects the brain and various signs of addiction. After each topic the counsellor encouraged the students to ask questions for better clarification and understanding. Students participated actively and the session ended after one hour.
The second session was in the form of Power Point Presentation which went on systematically starting with different categories of drugs and its definition, the short term and long term effects of such drugs and alcohol, withdrawal of such drugs and its management. This was followed by various stages of addiction and the symptoms of addiction. Then the Social Worker of IRCA, Odd Foundation Mr. Sarbeswar Pradhan shared his first hand experiences of addiction with the students. He explained to the students that college is a time of great personal growth and education and it should not be taken as a place to have fun. Unfortunately, students often take this place as fun and get into excessive drug and alcohol abuse. This creates a lifelong addiction, causing educational problems, and even personal injury. He discussed about various pockets in the city which are most vulnerable areas and warned the students to strictly avoid such places.
This session was followed by a break for snacks and tea .During the break students interacted with the recovering addicts and satisfied their curiosity regarding the sensitive issues. They were also informed about the social stigma attached to an addict even after his sobriety and how painful it becomes to again come back to social mainstream life .The recovering addicts also shared their experiences of how using drugs hampered their life and deteriorated their face value.
Finally the session ended with thanks giving. Valuable feedback from the principal and other faculty members was very encouraging. There was an appeal to the students to refrain from any kind of drug abuse and lead a healthy and meaningful life.
Gayatri Science College, Bhubaneswar
A sensitization program was organized on 7th November, 2019 in the premises of Gayatri Science College, Bhubaneswar, with prior permission from the Principal Mr. Rama Krushna Dash. As many as 80 students and 7 teaching staff participated in the program. The main focus of the program was to sensitize the students about the ill effects of drug addiction.
From Odd Foundation Mr. Kumar Debasish, the Counsellor of IRCA, Mr. Sarbeswar Pradhan, the Social Worker and Mr. Manoj Kumar Dash – a retired aeronautics engineer and recovering addict of IRCA, were the spokesperson. Six other recovering addicts also participated and shared their experiences with the students.
Mr. Kumar Debasish started the session by first addressing the issue with a formal note. He emphasized that the high rates of drug abuse among college students can be attributed to a number of factors, including stress, course load, peer pressure, curiosity etc. But this must not lead them towards the path of addiction .He urged every student to be well aware of this fact and avoid any kind of drug even in its slightest intensity.
After this a formal introduction on Drug Addiction was given by him .The session focused on three major areas– the Brain-Body-Behaviour correlates of drug addiction, Negative Life Outcomes of drug addiction and Management of drug addiction.
What happens to the brain when one takes drugs and how overstimulation of the reward circuit causes the “high” that can lead people to take drug again and again was explained by him. The negative outcomes are impairment in functions like learning, judgement, decision making, stress, memory and behaviour. Despite being aware of these harmful outcomes, many people who use drugs continue to take them ,which is the nature of addiction .This discussion was followed by the entire process of management .Addiction is treatable and can be successfully managed. Treatment approaches tailored to each patient’s drug use patterns and any co-occurring medical, mental and social problems can lead to continued recovery. When young people view drug use as harmful and understand the possible risks involved in drug taking ,they must refrain from taking it whatever may be the situation and how tempting it may look.
The program continued as the Social Worker Mr. Sarbeswar Pradhan shared his field experience with the students .He highlighted on the topics like what is addiction, addiction vs. abuse and the signs of addiction .Different types of psychoactive substances and their consequences on the sensitive internal organs was explained . A clear cut difference between use, abuse and addiction was well explained with some practical examples. What are the preventive measures and how it can be handled successfully with the help of the rehab was thoroughly discussed.
He again focused on most frequently used drugs in college campus and its detrimental effect on the students .Practically how a student is dragged into the vicious circle of drug addiction once he starts using by himself was clearly explained .Several questions from the students was put forth and Mr. Pradhan explained them with practical examples.
Mr. Manoj Kumar Dash shared his experiences of active addiction and how he struggled hard to get over his cravings. He explained to the young mass that addiction can result in a complete degradation of Physical, Mental, Social, Economical, Educational, Spiritual and Moral standards making the person completely isolated from his physical world .He appealed the young mass to learn fast from his case and be aware of the demon.
Other recovering addicts also shared their experiences with the students .They cautioned the students not to use any kind of psychoactive substances. Because at first they may enjoy the way it feel but over a period of time their dependency would increase and without their knowledge they would find one day that they have become addicts. Then it would be too late. So one should always remember that prevention is better than cure and when one is aware there should not have been any mistake.
The students and the faculty members put forth a bunch of questions to satisfy their queries and the team of professionals explained to them everything with great patience and enthusiasm. Finally the session came to an end with valuable feedbacks from the Principal, and other faculty members.
The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, also known as ‘World Drug Day’, is celebrated annually on 26 June. The theme of World Drug Day 2019 was “Health for Justice. Justice for Health.” This year’s theme highlights that justice and health are two sides of the same coin when it comes to addressing drug problems. Effective responses to the world drug problem require inclusive and accountable institutions of criminal justice, health and social services to work hand in hand to provide integrated solutions, in line with the international drug control conventions, human rights obligations and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment observed International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June, 2019 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The Hon’ble Vice President of India was the Chief Guest of the function. The function was attended by Officers from various Ministries/Departments of Central Government, representatives from State Governments/Union Territories, Central Armed Police Forces, Delhi Police, Professors from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), National Institute of Social Defence (NISD), volunteers from Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), National Service Scheme (NSS), etc. Representatives from NGOs running Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCAs) were also invited to attend the function. Mr. Suryakanta Bahira represented Odd Foundation for the function.
The Ministry organized Technical Sessions on the day on following topics:-
1. Universal Accessibility of Treatment
2. Focus on Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation under National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction
3. Targeted Intervention for High Risk District & for Vulnerable Population in Closed Settings
To commemorate the occasion of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June 2019 Odd Foundation carried out some awareness campaigns and also participated in the state and district level activities.
On 26th June 2019 a rally was organized by RRTC East Zone -III Odisha Region in the morning from 6.30 AM to 9.30 AM. Around 470 people gathered at Master Canteen Square, Bhubaneswar at 6.30 AM. The members included personnel working in the field of drug de-addiction ,recovering addicts and their family members, members of Scouts and Guides and also some general public who fight for the cause .The rally started with the theme “ Choose Life; No Drugs”. Participants moved peacefully with placards and slogans and reached the IDCOL Auditorium around 9.30 AM. From Odd Foundation Mr. Kumar Debasish the counsellor of IRCA and six recovering addicts participated in the program. The program ended with oath taking by the group leaders to fight for the cause.
Another program was undertaken by the District Administration, Khordha which was supported by District Excise Department, Khordha and all the IRCAs of Khordha district. On this occasion a huge rally was organized at 10 AM from Sub-Collector Office. Mr. Jatindranath Mitra, the MLA, Khordha showed the flag to start the rally and all others joined him .The rally reached at the Zilla Sanskruti Bhawan around 11.30 AM. After that a small meeting was arranged where the Assistant Collector delivered a short speech on growing problem of drug abuse in the district .He expressed his concern over the growth of addiction among youth particularly and congratulated the members of IRCAs for their hard work in the area of demand reduction. The representative from District Excise Department also highlighted the steps being taken by them for supply reduction.The meeting ended with a short gathering for snacks and tea.
A state level conference was organised by the Department of Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disability (SSEPD), Govt. Of Odisha at Hotel New Marrion, Bhubaneswar from 12 noon to 4 PM. Mr. Neeten Chandra, Jiont Secretary to Govt. was the Chief Spokes Person .The participants were representatives from all the IRCAs of Odisha and all the SHG groups who are attached with the SSEPD Dept. for prevention of drug addiction.
Odd Foundation undertook an awareness campaign on the occasion of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June, 2019 from 4 PM to 8 PM. During this period the members of Odd Foundation covered the areas of Market Building, Railway Station, Unit-1 Vegetable Market, Baramunda Bus Stop, Madhusudan Park, Jaydev Vatika Square and Kharavela Park Khandagiri. Six recovering addicts of IRCA, Odd Foundation accompanied the staff members and actively took part in the campaign. They distributed pamphlets and leaflets among the public and urged them to join hands together to fight against this social evil.
As a part of their syllabus requirement 60 B.Sc. nursing students and 5 M.Sc. Nursing students of College of Nursing, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar had a Field Observation Visit to the IRCA, Odd Foundation on 7th November 2019 with prior permission from the Secretary Odd Foundation.. They were accompanied by Dr. Renju Sussan Baby, Associate Professor, Mr. Sham Josh, Tutor and Mr. Surya Prakash Sahu, Tutor, College of Nursing, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar. The students needed to orient themselves regarding the standards of care provided by nurses for alcohol and substance abuse in various treatment settings for which they required to gain some first hand practical knowledge on the functioning of IRCA.
Initially the students were guided by the Project Coordinator of IRCA Mrs. J. Nanda who gave them a detail and thorough understanding on the functioning of IRCA. Starting from the process of identification and motivation through admission into the indoor; then the entire stay duration of thirty days with the break up period of detoxification and counselling accompanied by various therapies as per the requirement of the patient, were clearly explained. They visualized the importance of detoxification period and how withdrawal management at rehab is taken care of after practically observing the patients.
After a break of snacks and tea the team was guided by the counsellor of IRCA Mr. Kumar Debasish for a detail understanding of the treatment procedure. They also had a consultation with the Nurse-in Charge at that time regarding withdrawal management of critical cases and the Pharmacotherapy in substance use Disorder. They interacted with some recovering addicts of IRCA who are in the aftercare program and enriched their knowledge base on how to handle an addict successfully.
At the outset after their field visit program the students were able to successfully comprehend the assessment and diagnosis, pharmacotherapy, management in inpatient settings, emergency management of critical cases, withdrawal management, role and responsibility of nurse in psychosocial treatment methods and harm minimisation.
With request from the Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, some students of M.Sc. Nursing were allowed to visit the IRCA to get an advanced clinical experience about the mental health care provided by the IRCA.
On 17th July 2019 three students namely Archana Tripathy, Soumya Ranjan Parida and Sushree Sangita Mishra visited the centre to acquire some practical experience on management of drug addicts which would help them in their research work and submission of project report .They were briefed about the composite process of Drug De-Addiction and the role of a nurse in rendering proper medical care. The type of medication provided during the critical withdrawal phase and how a patient should be handled during this phase was explained through practical examples.
On 22nd February 2020 five students namely Sephali Moharana, Priyadarsini Jena, Manorama Mohanta, Banibandana Mohakud, and Debadeepta Khuntia were permitted to visit the IRCA for advanced clinical experience which would help them complete their project work successfully. They were briefed on topics like management of substance abuse patients in the outpatient setting, management in inpatient setting, emergency management of substance overdose and withdrawal, harm minimization in substance use, psychosocial treatment methods for substance use disorder, role and responsibilities of nurse, management in community settings, community based treatment programs etc.
After successful completion of their field visit the students were able to fulfil the objectives i.e. explain the service provided by the institution, describe and identify the signs and symptoms with which clients are coming and develop skills in communicating with the clients having different types of addiction.
As many as 48 nursing students of the Biswas Nursing College, Bhubaneswar visited the IRCA , Odd Foundation on 11th December 2019 on a field trip as a part of their academic requirement. They were accompanied by 4 teaching staff including the Vice Principal Mrs. Satyabhama Mishra and three lecturers Mrs. Pankajini Devi, Mrs. Sunanda Nayak and Mrs. Radharani Rath.
The task of orientation was handled by Mr. Kumar Debasish, Counsellor of IRCA. He went on systematically starting with different categories of drugs and its definition, the short term and long term effects of such drugs and alcohol, withdrawal of drugs and its management and the entire process of treatment at the rehab.
They were briefed about the composite process of Drug De-Addiction and the role of a nurse in rendering proper medical care. The type of medication provided during the critical withdrawal phase and how they should be handled during this phase was explained .They were extended all assistance to gain knowledge about the functioning of the IRCA and care of such patients by the Medical Staff. They also gained practical knowledge on various types of addictive drugs and their impact on body and mind. The disease concept and treatment procedure at the rehabilitation centre was thoroughly explained.
As a part of their syllabus requirement ,the 1st year B.Sc. nursing students of SUM NURSING COLLEGE , SIKSHA O ANUSANDHAN University , Bhubaneswar, needed to orient themselves to a Drug De-addiction centre for gaining practical knowledge on how to care for the Drug Addicts/ Alcoholics .Taking this into consideration, 150 students with their faculty members and supervisor were allowed to visit the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA) of ODD FOUNDATION as a field trip in 3 batches for 3 days that is from 5th August 2019 to 7th August 2019 .
The objective for visiting a De-Addiction Centre was that after completion of the visit, the students will be able to describe the objectives and various functions of a De-Addiction centre, explain the importance of De-Addiction, prepare a design for layout and management of De-Addiction Centre, list down the indications of De-Addiction, apply concepts and knowledge behind the De-Addiction and recognize the role of nurse as a member of De-Addiction Centre.
Therefore to fulfil the objectives some special sessions were taken for these students and important points covered during these sessions included topics like What is Drug Addiction, Why it is a chronic relapsing disorder, What happens to the brain when a person takes drugs, Why do some people become addicted to drugs while others don’t and How can Drug Addiction be cured or prevented.
Apart from this they were oriented with the Symptoms of Addiction, Different stages of Addiction, Category of Drugs and different types in each category, the entire treatment process starting from Identification and motivation till aftercare, follow-up and rehabilitation. The students put forth a wide range of questions and the queries were satisfied with showing practical examples from real life situations.
They were well guided to understand the fact that a well trained nurse with an empathetic approach can lead an addict towards recovery with a complete fulfilling life.
Schools provide a rich environment to shape attitudes and behaviours that help youngsters remain drug free. Teachers have a great influence over school children and can present facts about alcohol and drugs and help students make informed, healthy choices. Teachers interact with children on a regular basis and are in a unique position to present the right messages clearly and consistently. Recognizing that preventing alcohol and drug use among our young people is of crucial importance, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment developed a National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction. Since the negative consequences associated with alcohol and drug use among school children is increasing day by day the NAPDDR has designed school based substance use prevention program to be implemented all over India at two levels. Level -1 is for students in 7th to 9th standard (approximately 12 to 14 years) and level – 2 is for students in 10th to 12th standard (approximately 15 to 17 years).
For implementing the program properly the RRTC East Zone – II , Kolkata conducted a two day training program on 7th – 8th August, 2019 at Kolkata for the Master Trainers who after successful completion of their training are supposed to train the teachers at state level and look after the proper implementation of the school based prevention program. Mr. Kumar Debasish , counsellor of IRCA Odd Foundation completed the training program and implemented it at two Govt. High Schools in Bhubaneswar successfully .
The 1st Substance Use Prevention program was conducted at the Govt. High School, Jagamara, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar on 24thAugust 2019 guided by the Master Trainer Mr. Kumar Debasish and supported by Mr. Sarbeswar Pradhan, Social Worker of IRCA, Odd Foundation and three recovering addicts. It was a level – 1 program where the participants comprised 62 students of 8th, 9th and 10th standard divided into two groups supported by eight school teachers. For each group the program was divided into two sessions each session with a duration of two hours.
The first session started with the brain storming for 45 minutes on topics like introduction to the program, what are some of the drugs students have heard of and what happens when a young person uses alcohol or drugs. This was followed by presentation on effects of substance use on young people and progression of alcohol / drug use. This was again followed by another brain storming session on reasons for use and healthy alternatives. With this the 1st session ended and the students relaxed with snacks and soft drinks. The second session started after a gap of one hour. Firstly there was a small group discussion on the topic “My Future: Preparing for a successful life”; then a presentation was given on what could happen with alcohol / drug use? “This was followed by brain storming on weighing gains vs. risks and, small group activity and discussion on “Learning to say No”.
Finally wrap up was done with individual essay writing in not more than 10 sentence and prize given to the best three writings.
The second program was conducted at Baramunda High School, Bhubaneswar on 5th November 2019. This was again a level – 1 program where the participants constituted 45 students of 9th and10th standard supported by twelve staffs of the school. Since the number of students exceeds forty, again it was divided into two groups each group assigned with two teachers to carry forward the sessions. The program was divided into two sessions each session with a duration of two hours.
The first session started with the brain storming for 35 minutes on topics like “What are some of the drugs you have heard of ?”, “What happens when a young person uses alcohol or drugs ?” and “What would you like to know about alcohol / drug ?” This was followed by a power point presentation on “Alcohol and drugs – the consequences” and “Identifying relaxing and fun activities without alcohol or drugs”. After that another brain storming session was carried out on “Why do young people drink alcohol or try drugs?”.
After a break of an hour the second session started with both presentation and brain storming on “Handling negative feelings”. This was followed by problem solving in small groups that continued for forty five minutes. Finally there was role play demonstration on the topic “Dealing with offers to try substances” by small group of students.
The Brahma Kumaries are regular visitors to Odd Foundation and they participate in many activities of reformation .On the occasion of Rakshya Bandhan on 18th August 2019 Brahma Kumaries of Prajapita Brahmakumari Aiswariya Viswavidyalaya , Khandagiri , Bhubaneswar visited the centre and tied Rakhi in the hands of inmates offering them sweets. On this occasion they encouraged the inmates to try their level best to win over addiction .
A spiritual session for 30 minutes was taken where everyone did meditation for ten minutes. They addressed the inmates by saying that — “If you want to do anything you find a way but if you do not want to do anything you find an excuse. This is the thought for life. And meditation is not just an experience of peace but a deep realisation that I am peace. So make your life peaceful, blissful and happy by discovering your inner self.
The Rotary Club Bhubaneswar Ekamra Kshetra has been supporting ODD FOUNDATION in its endeavour for the human sufferings from time to time .They feel privileged to give any kind of support to alleviate the sufferings of the mentally ill, drug addicts and PLHIV/AIDS.
This year the District Governor of the Rotary Club Bhubaneswar Ekamra Kshetra visited our centre on 24th April 2019 with three other Rotarians. They spent around two hours with the inmates listening intently to their sharings. The District Governor handed over a cheque of Rs 30,000/- to Odd Foundation.
Satsang means to associate with true people, or to be in the company of true people. It is also related to sitting with a sat guru, or in a group meeting seeking that association. The idea behind satsang is that a favorable environment such as the presence of holy people, listening to Holy Scripture or music, allows an individual to elevate his mind from one that is worldly towards a higher level of thought.
A Satsang was arranged for the inmates on 31st October 2019 by some spiritual workers of Jayguru cult. It was a program for forty five minutes taken over by Mr. Kabichandra Mohanty, Mr. Susanta Kumar Nayak and Mr. Amarendra Mohanty. They talked about open mindedness, willingness, hope and honesty. To explain each term they put forth examples from real life situations and encouraged the participants to share their views freely. The session went on very well with clients exhibiting their satisfaction with a positive note.
Proper education regarding the harm of drug addiction to drug users can help in prevention. It is a crucial element in the long range goal of eliminating drug abuse. Keeping this in view, the organization tried to reach out the general population in the community, students, parents and teachers, slum dwellers and mobile populations like truck drivers, street children etc.
An awareness program was organized at Kapila Prasad, Bhubaneswar on 19th May, 2019 for the general public. Mr. Sarbeswar Pradhan, the Social Worker of IRCA and Mr. Sanjeeb Kumar Panda, the Peer Educator of IRCA took the initiative to gather the people at the road side. Around 50 persons were gathered which included teenage boys, some youth and elderly persons. They were informed about the ill effects of addiction and how it damages various aspects of one’s life creating both physical and mental dependency. The preventive measures that can be taken to handle it successfully with the help of rehabilitation centres was thoroughly explained to the group with the distribution of IEC materials.
Another program was organized at Aiginia, near N.H.-5, on 28thOctober 2019 for the Truckers. Mr. Kumar Debasish the counselor and Mr. S. K. Panda, the Peer Educator of IRCA took the initiative to gather the truckers for a discussion on Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS. A briefing on various types of drugs, its addiction and how it affects various areas was given to the group. In what way addiction leads to HIV/AIDS was also explained to them individually. Injecting Drug Use and the risk factors associated with it was thoroughly discussed with distribution of IEC materials. Mr. Kumar Debasish encouraged the abusers to avail the treatment provided by the IRCA by explaining the treatment procedure at rehab and how it can be beneficial to them.
Three other awareness programs were organized at various slums in Bhubaneswar, specifically for the labourers, transport operators and various service workers and also in the near by Railway Station targeting the street children to mobilize the community, promote awareness towards prevention of drug abuse & HIV and to inform them about the availability of services.
Mental disorder has become the most common form of illness in today’s stressful life. It is a health condition characterized by alterations in thinking, mood or behavior associated with stress and reduced ability to function psychologically, socially, occupationally or inter personally.
While working for the drug addicts it was found that addicts showing co-morbidity need to be taken care of accordingly. The drug addicts with symptomatic/asymptomatic mental illness needed extended therapeutic treatment and to deal with such specific cases Odd Foundation ventured into the field of mental illness in the year 2004.
EMPATHY, the Half Way Home for Psycho– Social Rehabilitation of Treated & Controlled Mentally Ill Persons (Male) functions under the aegis of Odd Foundation for the last sixteen years. It has been functioning as a separate wing providing comprehensive and interdisciplinary care management and offering a wide range of effective therapies and treatment. The patients are provided with a combination of medication and supportive psychological therapies on an in-patient basis.
EMPATHY is based on the concept of “Psycho–Social Rehabilitation” which emphasizes the need to integrate a person into the society. The regular activities undertaken for the Mentally ill at EMPATHY are services like Medical Care, Counseling, Group Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Vocational Training. Most serious mental Illnesses are provided a combination of medication and supportive psychological therapies on an in-patient basis. While medication is commonly prescribed for mental illnesses, Psychotherapy addresses the emotional response to mental illness. Group therapy allows patients to draw emotional support from others with similar problems. Occupational therapy helps patients return to daily living skills and routines that may have been impaired by mental illness. The most successful treatments of medications, psychotherapy and supportive therapies are tailored to the individual patient’s needs under the close supervision of a psychiatrist.
During the period 2019-20 as many as 81 cases were admitted in Empathy as indoor patients, 18 patients were provided with aftercare service, and 5 patients received treatment in day care basis. The entire indoor patient was provided vocational training on different trades like thoonga making, computer training and cooking. Some awareness campaigns were also taken up in places like Baramunda Village, Aiginia , Dumuduma , Kargil Basti and Old Town. Various forms of mental illnesses and the treatment procedures available for them was explained to the public.
HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention
EROS: The community care for people living with HIV/AIDS
Odd Foundation is working in the area of HIV / AIDS for the last sixteen years. EROS, the community care and support facilities for people living with HIV/AIDS, provides integrated services as care and counseling, referral services for clinical management of opportunist infections and linkages with various government and nongovernment treatment and counseling centers. EROS networks with various positive networks in the state for the protection and promotion of HIV people’s rights.
Odd Foundation is committed towards providing best services in the most efficient manner to all its beneficiaries. Twenty one years of our efforts have found many moments of proud as well as moments of learning. Although it has been a constant challenge to address the vast array of issues concerning human suffering, we have come across everything with hard work, patience and perseverance. We owe so much to our funding partners, who not only extended financial support but also much valuable guidance and mentoring that had helped us to travel in our path more efficiently and professionally. We gratefully acknowledge the encouragement of numerous individuals, groups, organizations and recovering patients who have reinforced our trust, conviction and commitment and helped us make our journey productive and worthwhile.